Hello,I am

Victor Tanui

Welcome to my portfolio!
I am passionate about leveraging technology to create innovative and impactful solutions. With a strong foundation in software engineering principles and a commitment to continuous learning,I strive to deliver high-quality software products that meet and exceed user expectations.

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Software Engineer

UI/UX Designer

Web Designer

Cloud Engineer

victor kiptoo tanui

About Me

Hi, I'm Here To Help Your Next Project

I thrive in the world of software development. What sets me apart as a software engineer is my relentless pursuit of excellence. I am a firm believer in writing clean, maintainable code that not only solves immediate problems but also lays a foundation for future expansion and scalability. I am passionate about using best practices and design patterns to create elegant solutions that stand the test of time. Collaboration is at the heart of my approach. I thrive in cross-functional teams, where I can contribute my technical expertise while also learning from and collaborating with professionals from different disciplines. I value open communication, active listening, and a shared sense of purpose, all of which contribute to a positive and productive work environment. In addition to my technical skills, I am an avid learner. Technology evolves at a rapid pace, and I make it a priority to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in software development.

My Services

Web Developement

I craft captivating websites that are designed to leave a lasting impression.I bring your ideas to life through visually stunning designs and seamless user experiences. By leveraging the latest web technologies and techniques, I ensure that your website not only looks impressive but also performs flawlessly across different devices and browsers. From eye-catching animations to intuitive navigation, I pay attention to every detail to ensure your website stands out from the crowd and engages your audience in a truly captivating way.

Graphic Designing

I carefully select colors, fonts, and imagery to create designs that resonate with your target audience and align with your brand identity. From concept development to the final execution, I ensure that each design is visually engaging and captures the essence of your message. Whether you need a bold and dynamic design or a clean and minimalist approach, I work closely with you to bring your vision to life and create impactful graphic designs that leave a lasting impression.

Software Engineer

Whether it's developing web applications, mobile apps, or backend systems, I strive to write clean, maintainable code that meets the highest standards of quality and performance. I stay up to date with the latest industry trends and technologies to ensure that I can leverage the most cutting-edge tools and techniques in my work. With a focus on scalability, security, and efficiency, I aim to deliver software solutions that exceed your expectations and drive your business forward.

UI/UX designing

I am passionate about improving user experiences through thoughtful and intuitive design. I delve deep into understanding the needs, behaviors, and preferences of your target audience. By conducting user research and usability testing, I gather valuable insights to inform the design process. With this knowledge, I create visually appealing interfaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also easy to navigate and interact with. I carefully craft user flows, wireframes, and prototypes to ensure a seamless and enjoyable journey for your users.

Cloud engineering

I can help businesses achieve flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. I assist in designing and implementing cloud architectures that optimize resource allocation, ensure high availability, and enhance performance.Additionally, I can configuring virtual servers, and deploying applications in cloud environments. I help businesses leverage cloud storage solutions for efficient data management and backup. I also provide guidance on security measures, ensuring that data and applications are protected in the cloud. certified by aviatrix


With a versatile toolbox of languages like Python, JavaScript, C++, and more, I tackle programming challenges with the skill of a seasoned craftsman. From web development to AI, data analysis to system programming, I thrive in diverse environments, delivering efficient solutions with a collaborative spirit. I'm not just a coder; I'm a problem-solver, ready to dive deep and build the future alongside you.

Latest Project

pharmacy management system

pharmacy management system

It helps pharmacists and pharmacy staff in efficiently handling tasks such as inventory management, prescription processing, sales and billing, patient information management, and regulatory compliance.

face recognition system

Face recognition

It analyzes and matches unique facial patterns from images or video frames to compare and identify individuals.

bank management system

Bank management system

It helps banks automate and streamline various processes, such as customer management, account management, transaction processing, reporting, and compliance.

 food app ui

Food app UI

food app design.

school website

School website

School website designed using Html,Css and Javascript.

web design

Web design

web designing using figma.

Valuable Testimonial

hosea kilii

Hosea kili OGW, Group Managing Director/ CEO

It is without hesitation that I wholeheartedly recommend Victor . His exceptional technical abilities, collaborative spirit, and commitment to excellence make him an invaluable asset to any organization. I am confident that he will continue to thrive in their future endeavors and contribute significantly to any team he join.

Linda Tanui


Victor is a great freelancer to work with. He is quick, responsive and works hard to understand your needs. He has very good knowledge of the technical aspects of my projects - and is always willing to share his expertise in this area.

lydia mwangi katamii


One of the aspects that truly impressed me about Victor is his versatility. They possess a unique ability to adapt his writing style to various genres and industries, making him an invaluable asset to clients across different fields. From technical articles to lifestyle blogs, Victor Kiptoo effortlessly captures the essence of each topic and communicates it with remarkable clarity and creativity.

Contact Me